Cross Skating Bois du Grammont

I decided to cross skate back from Meylan near Grenoble tonight along the banks of the Isere river. There is a good tow path with a tarmac surface for around 9km at both ends but in the middle a section is a track then a good gravel path, a kind of French Strade Bianchi. I'd checked on the map, around 15km of skating all told.

Bois du Grammont Lake, a mecca for fishermen and cross skaters

The cross skates are excellent both on and off road. I can roll at around 4 minutes / km on tarmac, about 25% below my rollerski speeds but without worrying about stones, roots or potholes. It does mean you get passed by cyclists so you need to be aware of where those poles are going. It is not so each on pure farm tracks or lose earth or gravel. At one point a section of mud stopped my skis dead and I almost risked a face plant. The hard gravel section is good, almost like snow as the surface is a bit slippy. I was pleased to tackle the motorway bridge with its steep downhill. A mix of speed and snowplough getting me down safely.

Oh yes hills. Not so easy on cross skis as the pneumatic wheels have a tendency to "hunt" and you have to adjust your snow plough as you descend. Snow ploughing is not so straight forward on the softer rubber. On the plus side less risk of a fall due to stones, pot holes or other debris.