Cross Skating; Rhône/Jonage towpath; Lyon; France

The Rhône river passes through the center of Lyon before heading north-west to Geneva. There is a tow path that runs along the left bank up the canal du Jonage to the Grand Large reservoir. The surface is largely compact dirt. I started from Bonnevay, just beyond the ring road.

It was a wonderful late autumn afternoon with the trees turning golden brown. Temperatures were pleasant and the rain from recent weeks had left the towpath damp but it was still skiable on cross skates (skikes). The route is more or less flat with a surface of red clay.

Lyon Jonage Cross Skiing

After following the canal du Jonage you join the Park de Feyssine and ski through woods. The surface was a bit sandy in one or two spots until finally reaching the Rhône proper. At the entrance to Lyon the path is surfaced, but much busier.